
Disturbing Homunculus Experiments Explained | Hoax or a Possibility?

2017-09-25 7 Dailymotion

Taking a look at the homunculus experiments from Russian How to make channel! Is the homunculus debunked? This is one of the strangest events weve covered and we try to explain the homunculus and provide the most prevalent theories on the videos and how they may have been created or if this phenomenon is possible or simply an elaborate hoax.\r
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***Other Videos From The Boo Review***\r
►Creepy Figure Dropping Meat Explained: \r
►January Paranormal Recap: \r
►Japanese Urban Legend Reion: \r
►August Ghost Video Recap: \r
► Japanese Girl in Mirror Debunked: \r
►We take on the Charlie, Charlie Challenge: \r
►Our investigation of local haunting Stuckeys Bridge: \r
***Video Credits***\r
Homunculus Videos by Как Сделать .\r
► (Как сделать гомункула (Homunculus))\r
► (Как сделать гомункула #2 (Homunculus))\r
► (Как сделать гомункула #3 (Homunculus))\r
► (Как сделать. Рассуждения о гомункуле (Homunculus))\r
► (Как сделать гомункула #4 (Homunculus))\r
More Information/Theories/Explanations/Debunks\r
►Reignbot: (Russian Homunculus Videos |DEBUNKED)\r
►Mr. Nightmare: (Disturbing Video of a Homunculus Created by a Russian Youtuber)\r
►Insomniak: (Disturbing Video Of AHOMUNCULUS EXPLAINED! (Mr.Nightmare response video) DEBUNKED!!!)\r
►Scare Theater: (Homunculus Explained)\r
►Михаил Лидин: (Гомункул - разоблачаем по шагам (Homunculus debunked))\r
► Chump Bucket: (How to Make a Homunculus DEBUNKED!)\r
***Song Credits***\r
►Say Yeah by Topher Mohr & Alex Elena\r
►Every Voice by Jimmy Fontanez\r
►Halls of the Undead by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Source: \r